Sunday, June 3, 2012

Church Planting: Cowboy Style

Last night Anne, Alex and I went to Round Up in Glory Cowboy church in Loveland. When they call it a cowboy church it is not a joke! I mean, I don't know what I expected but its the real deal- boots, chaps, cowboy hats and the works. We stuck out like a sore thumb in our "city wear" but certainly were welcomed with open arms. here is a link to some great photos someone captured of their church

Although neither country music or the cowboy lifestyle are really my thing, I was truly moved at the beauty of God at work in this group of believers and seekers. Several years ago, the Deal family began to ask the Lord how they could be more effective in reaching their friends and neighbors for Christ. After realizing that many of their neighbors were not a part of a community of believers because they were afraid they would not be received well in a traditional church with their lifestyles, the Deals began inviting their friends over to worship and learn about the Word in their backyard. People showed up and were encouraged with Pastor Deal's simple message of abundant life and hope in Jesus Christ. The Deal family learned the culture they were a part of and contextualized their ministry to meet these individuals right where they were at while faithfully sharing the Gospel.

Their meetings grew and grew. Now roughly 60 to 65 people that make up Round Up in Glory Cowboy Church meet every Saturday night in a dairy barn that a church member donated to them. Their example of ministry with a "come as you are" attitude is a great picture of how the love of Christ knows no one specific language or culture but transcends all labels we may try to put on it.

Here is a picture of Anne with Jodie Deal (one of the pastor's daughters)! It was sweet seeing them reunite as they have been long time friends bonded over being PK's. A club which I am also a part of ;)

We managed to get a quick shot with me and Alex in it as well!

     Anyhoo, this was a good first night back. I am looking forward to meeting other inspiring church planting families like the Deals who are reaching the different communities all over the front range of CO. 

This morning I actually got to return to a church plant that was just getting on the ground when i was here back in 2010. Pursuit Church in Fort Collins has grown and changed. I was blown away at how much God has done there in two short years. It was great getting to hear Pastor Alan Reed preach on why Jesus is THE way to God in a culture where the popular opinion is that there are many "right ways" to God. 

While we know we are living in a culture where having the belief that Christ is the only way is viewed as "narrow-minded, big headed and arrogant," Alan reminded us that if we are Christians, the most compassionate thing we could do is to share that Christ truly is the way, the truth and the life and that no one can come to the Father except through him. (John 14:6) 

No one wants to be viewed as a bigot, but as believers in absolute Truth that comes from the Father, it is our duty to share that in love and in a palpable way for those outside the church culture. 

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