Monday, October 18, 2010

Sowing Seed

Among other ministries, we have had the opportunity this summer to work with the youth group at Southside Baptist Church here in Fort Collins, Colo.
We were able to share our testimonies of how we each came to Christ and our individual journeys in accepting the call to Colorado this summer. The difference in each of our stories shows the beauty of how God works through a vast array of experiences in each person’s life. While it was beneficial for me to reflect on what Christ has done in our lives, I pray that it was equally meaningful for the students as they listened. My hope is that it inspired them to think about the value of their own story of God in their lives and how they could share it with others.

My favorite part about going to talk to them was sharing what we have learned about sowing the gospel and harvesting the fruit that comes once the truth has been sown. In our experiences with reaching out to nonbelievers here, it has proven the significance of willingly taking time to listen to others so as to fully grasp who they are.

The sowing does not begin when we start preaching. It starts with showing a genuine interest in the person and what matters to them. Being OK with simply hanging out without having to force our beliefs on them speaks volumes. As trust builds, the gospel can be much better received and strategically explained according to that individual’s learning style, established beliefs and personality.
This can be a very tiresome process at times, as we often do not see the results of sowing into an individual’s life for days, weeks or even years. Maybe we will never see the impact at all, but we obediently continue sowing God’s word through the way we live trusting that God will use it to expand his kingdom in the long run.
Mike helped provide an example of how these teenagers could apply this lifestyle. He asked them if they enjoyed playing sports, and most of them raised their hands. He said that as they are playing these sports and interacting with those they are playing with, they can start friendships with the goal of being a light in the lives of others. Instead of asking their friends to go to church and then building a relationship when the invitation is accepted, they can build a relationship, and maybe their friend will get involved in a church later as a result of seeing Christ in their life.

It excites me to think that us sharing with them what God has taught us could play a role in helping them to grasp the concept of sowing and its importance at a much younger age than I did. Watching these youth realize the opportunity to build relationships in their junior high and high schools, on their sports teams, in their neighborhoods, in their clubs and other various activities made me hopeful for the eyes of the younger generation to be opened to the mission field right in front of them.

Here is the link to the above article as it was on the Baptist Standard:

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